D'Alò, F., Tosadori, G., Zucconi, L., Onofri, S., Canini, F., Roos, R.E., Klanderud, K., Voříšková, J. (2024)  Soil microbial community responses to long-term experimental warming in an alpine Dryas octopetala heath in Norway. Applied Soil Ecology 200, 105430. [link]


Sudová, R., Rydlová, J., Čtvrtlíková, M., Kohout, P., Oehl, F., Voříšková, J., Kolaříková, Z. (2021) Symbiosis of isoetid plant species with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under aquatic versus terrestrial conditions. Mycorrhiza 31:273-288 [link]


Wu, X., Spencer, S., Gushgari-Doyle, S., Yee, M. O., Voříšková J., Li, Y., Alm, E., Chakraborty, R. (2020) Culturing of 'Unculturable' Subsurface Microbes: Natural Organic Carbon Source Fuels the Growth of Diverse and Distinct Bacteria from Groundwater. Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 3171 [link]

Větrovský, T., Morais, D., Kohout, P. [et al, including Voříšková, J.] (2020) GlobalFungi, a global database of fungal occurrences from high-throughput-sequencing metabarcoding studies. Scientific Data 7: 228 [link

Sudová, R., Kohout, P., Rydlová, J., Čtvrtlíková, M., Suda, J., Voříšková, J., Kolaříková, Z. (2020) Diverse fungal communities associated with the roots of isoetid plants are structured by host plant identity. Fungal Ecology, 45: 100914 [link


Voříšková, J., Elberling, B., Priemé, A. (2019) Fast response of fungal and prokaryotic communities to climate change manipulation in two contrasting tundra soils. Environmental Microbiome, 14:6 [link


Sudová, R., Kohout, P., Kolaříková, Z., Rydlová, J., Voříšková, J., Suda, J., Španiel, S., MüllerSchärer, H., Mráz, P. (2018) Sympatric diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Centaurea stoebe s.l. do not differ in arbuscular mycorrhizal communities and mycorrhizal growth response. American Journal of Botany 105: 1995-2007 [link

Svendsen, S.H., Schostag, M., Voříšková, J., Kramshøj, M., Priemé, A., Jacobsen, C.S., Rinnan, R. (2018) Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds from arctic shrub litter are coupled with changes in the microbial community composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 120: 80-90 [link

Jacobsen, C.S., Nielsen, T., Vester, J., Stougaard, P., Nielsen, J., Voříšková, J., Winding, A., et. al (2018) Inter-laboratory testing of the effect of DNA blocking reagent G2 on DNA extraction from low-biomass clay samples. Scientific Reports 8: 5711 [link


Priemé, A., Blok, D., Haugwitz, M.S., Voříšková, J., Elberling, B. (2017) Arctic soil microbial sensitivity to seasonal dynamics and climate change. In: Microbial Biomass: A Paradigm Shift in Terrestrial Biogeochemistry. Tate KR (Ed) World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd. ISBN: 978-1-78634-130-3 [link

Bang-Andreasen,T., Nielsen, J. T., Voříšková, J., Heise, J., Rønn, R., Kjøller, R., Hansen, H.C.B., Jacobsen, C.S. (2017) Wood ash induced pH changes strongly affect soil bacterial numbers and community composition. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1400 [link


Tláskal, V., Voříšková, J., Baldrian, P. (2016) Bacterial succession on decomposing leaf litter exhibits a specific occurrence pattern of cellulolytic taxa and potential decomposers of fungal mycelia. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 92: fiw177 [link

Covino, S., Fabianová, T., Křesinová, Z., Čvančarová, M., Burianová, E., Filipová, A., Voříšková, J., Baldrian, P., Cajthaml, T. (2016). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation and microbial community shifts during co-composting of creosote-treated wood. Journal of Hazardous Materials 301:17-26 [link


Stella, T., Covino, S., Burianová, E., Filipová, A., Křesinová Hrsinová, Z., Voříšková, J., Větrovský, T., Baldrian, P., Cajthaml, T. (2015) Chemical and metagenomic characterization of an aged PCB-contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment 533:177-186 [link

López-Mondéjar, R., Voříšková, J., Větrovský, T. and Baldrian, P. (2015) The bacterial community inhabiting temperate deciduous forests is vertically stratified and undergoes seasonal dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 87: 43-50 [link

Kohout, P., Doubková, P., Bahram, M., Suda, J., Tedersoo, L., Voříšková, J., Sudová, R. (2015) Niche partitioning in arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in temperate grasslands: a lesson from adjacent serpentine and non-serpentine habitats. Molecular Ecology 24: 1831-1843 [link


Voříšková, J., Brabcová, V., Cajthaml, T., Baldrian, P. (2014) Seasonal dynamics of fungal communities in a temperate oak forest soil. New Phytologist 201: 269-278 [link


Crowther, T.W., Stanton, D.W.G., Thomas, S.M., A´Bear, A.D., Hiscox, J., Jones, T.H., Voříšková, J., Baldrian, P., Boddy, L. (2013) Top-down control of soil fungal community composition by a globally distributed keystone consumer. Ecology 94: 2518-2528 [link

Kotík, M., Davidová, A., Voříšková, J., Baldrian, P. (2013) Bacterial communities in tetrachloroethene-polluted groundwaters: a case study. Science of the Total Environment 454-455: 517-527 [link

Voříšková, J., Baldrian, P. (2013) Fungal community on decomposing leaf litter undergoes rapid successional changes. ISME Journal 7: 477-486 [link] 


Baldrian, P., Kolařík, M., Štursová, M., Kopecký, J., Valášková, V., Větrovský, T., Žifčáková, L., Šnajdr, J., Rídl, J., Vlček, Č., Voříšková, J. (2012) Active and total microbial communities in forest soil are largely different and highly stratified during decomposition. ISME Journal 6: 248-258 [link


Voříšková, J., Dobiášová, P., Šnajdr, J., Vaněk, D., Cajthaml, T., Šantrůčková, H., Baldrian, P. (2011) Chemical composition of litter affects the growth and enzyme production by the saprotrophic basidiomycete Hypholoma fasciculare. Fungal Ecology 4: 417-426 [link

Větrovský, T., Voříšková, J., Šnajdr, J., Gabriel, J., Baldrian, P. (2011) Ecology of coarse wood decomposition by the saprotrophic fungus Fomes fomentarius. Biodegradation 22: 709-718 [link

Baldrian, P., Voříšková, J., Dobiášová, P., Merhautová, V., Lisá, L., Valášková, V. (2011) Production of extracellular enzymes and degradation of biopolymers by saprotrophic microfungi from the upper layers of forest soil. Plant and Soil 338: 111-125 [link]